неділя, 28 листопада 2010 р.

What is it Doing to Our Brains?

There are many of us who can do few things at the same time. If long time ago Napoleon could read, eat and maintain a conversation the same time, people in our time check mail, chat on facebook or google for satisfying their interests, talk on the phone and try to write an essay in English at the same time.

Electronic and digital media era greatly influenced us and effected all of us. Of course, it has its pluses, including: faster access to the information, much more opportunities and less spending power to search what you need and communicate with your friends. However, there are many disadvantages. Everyone should consider that this justified need of the internet leads to extraordinary dependence, which is difficult to get rid of.

Stanford University conducted an interesting research. For this were chosen few special multitaskers and a series of testings of their brain were conducted. The experimental people are carefully chosen students, who can do four-five things at the same time. Highly qualified professors tried to discover how their brains work during doing different things at the same time and how it affects us. The specificity of the research is that it is quite unique. Everything they discover there is new.

Scientists try to explain how these people can do few things at the same time and doesn't loose their focus. There is the opinion that to do many things at the same time are actually terrible and ineffective, however, these students are brilliant in multitasking. They feel great about it, they are busy all day long, they are creative.

The research showed an interesting thing: during googling brain works much more actively than during reading books! However, the serious problem comes up: distraction. We can not focus on few things good, because the more things we do the same time the less effective we do them. If we combine chatting in facebook and the same time writing our paper or studying Latin, we definitely will not be very successful in study.

Sometimes I prefer not to have the internet. For example, this weekend I had a great time without checking out my accounts in social networks or my inbox on gmail. However, on Monday morning there were 23 incoming messages in the inbox, including really important things. Some friends invited me for four interesting events, which I really would like to visit, but did not know about them; my professor and the tutor of the scientific work had written a feedback on my final paper and I would be in a good mood, if I read it before; finally, there was a letter from Christi Anne, who resembled that the homework should have been send few hours ago.There also were few other important reminders. The conclusion is that I forgot or failed to do many important things without the internet, because without it we are very limited in our capabilities.

In my opinion, the solution of this problem is always to have the internet, telephone and other things like that with me, but strive to limit use and do it only when truly necessary.

We have to spend more time reading books and walking. As for me, chatting with your friends through the internet, is a real absurd if you live in the same city. Much more pleasant and useful is to meet with your friend, having a cup of coffee and to chat looking in their eyes, not a computer monitor.

The internet there is a great temptation and addiction and there is nothing worse than addiction, which violates our freedom!

вівторок, 16 листопада 2010 р.

Знаєш чому?

Знаєш, чому ти мені подобаєшся?

Бо ти впертий, як віслюк. На кожне моє спонтанне необдумане гучне «ні» ти тихо кажеш «так». Щоразу, коли я кажу «чорне», ти кажеш, ні не «біле», бо тоді ти б мені геть не подобався, а «червоне», і це найкращий у світі компроміс.
Бавишся, що нескромний, хоча насправді скромний.
Тютюн і алкоголь не пасують тобі, а ти й не цікавишся цим. Лайка теж не пасує, але часом, коли ти бавишся, що нескромний, вдаєшся до неї. Виходить кумедно і ти вмить перестаєш.
Впевнений в собі, але не на 100% і переважно цього замало, однак, далеко не самовпевнений, що просто чудово.
Інтелектуальний, але про це не знає широкий загал, оскільки не амбітний і не прагматичний. Талановитий, про це загал знає краще, бо таке годі приховати.
Відвертий, але всім ділишся вдяючись до чисельних дотепів. Ну, це не дуже подобається. Проте, це теж унікально.
Надто ніжний і делікатний і надто боїшся не скоїти дурницю і, головне, не образити, тих, хто тобі не байдужий. Це зворушливо і викликає захоплення. Однак, твоє добре велике серце принесе тобі більше горя, ніж втіхи, бо у своїй щирості ти беззахисний перед акулами, які домінують у світі. Гаразд, хай не домінуюють, але мають ох який великий нищівний вплив.

То як, я подобаюсь тобі?
Кажи «ні» і втікай щодуху.